Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Anyone noticed that that link for "Tork" doesn't go to the right person or even someone from the right universe, unless Francis Tork (Earth-616) has a large chunk of his bio missing, the part where he moved to Earth-691 (and a millenium) and became a villain? Eschiss1 (talk) 02:57, August 3, 2014 (UTC)

Also... re SIdestep[]

since apparently this is her last appearance to date (and it's been a substantial "to date" publication-wise) - possibly true of much of the rest of The Nine too - would it be fair to add that to her listing here (last appearance, or whatever the template is for a last-appearance-to-date) (subject to removal if she appears again, likewise any others - I didn't check - for whom this issue is also last-appearance-to-date) ? Eschiss1 (talk) 21:23, December 16, 2019 (UTC) (edit: except that several sources seem to agree that she appears in issue 53 too; the description of issue 53 just hasn't included her there. I haven't seen the issue. hrm.)