Interesting that the page title is "Mississippi," yet there is no mention of the state or anything about the state other than the river bordering it. The article mentions the Mississippi River and New Orleans - and the Human Torch and Toro - but oddly, nothing whatsoever about the state except that 300 African Americans from Mississippi were experimented on. That is hardly all that has ever been mentioned about Mississippi in the comics.
Another interesting, and rather offensive, tidbit is that it seems that all mass media mentions of Mississippi have to do with race, when in actuality, only a small percentage of Mississippi residents - African American, Caucasian American, Native American, Asian American, Latino American or otherwise - are concerned with racial issues. To the contrary, Mississippians, by and large, are quite accepting of one another regardless of race, and get along rather well. And it isn't called the "Hospitality State" for nothing. It seems Hollywood and mass media in general cannot seem to grow beyond the 1960's. Mississippi has, and it is high time the rest of the world caught up with it.
Tigerlord23 (talk) 16:22, December 6, 2014 (UTC)
- Because those stories are the only ones that have been documented by our users so far. Don't worry, we're not looking to paint Mississippi as a racist haven. If you want to add information on all the other Marvel stories about Mississippi, feel free. --Spencerz (talk) 20:40, December 6, 2014 (UTC)