Marvel Database

Name and Reality[]

Should this page be Avengers (Next) (Earth-555326)? Also, how is this team in Avengers Vol 4? Heroes of Tomorrow was a film, right? --Johnnybravo44 (talk) 00:02, August 28, 2010 (UTC)

Film can't cross over with comics? Just different realities. No reason they're confined to one medium or the other (if it's not THIS version, then it's an incredibly close facsimile). And as for the name...I honestly don't know. Next Avengers was the original pagename, and since I haven't seen the film, I just tacked on a reality number and a move stub. If someone's seen it and knows what they actively go by in it, then feel free to change it and tack up a new move stub.
--GrnMarvl14 01:30, August 28, 2010 (UTC)