Marvel Database


Due to the fact that even in Earth-928 there was a present day Vulture, shouldn't this page be titled "Vulture 2099 (Earth-928)"? william slattery (Talk) 05:18, January 3, 2013 (UTC)

"Snidely Whiplash" is a cartoon character. A stereotypically evil moustache twirler with obvious parallels to Vulture. It was a joke by Kasey Nash. It was not meant to be his real name. Just like the ancient space sorceress Abyss is not really named "Drusilla". Monolith616 (talk) 21:52, August 31, 2017 (UTC)

I second Monoliths statement. Who in their right mind thought Snidely was his actual name? Nausiated (talk) 00:27, November 4, 2018 (UTC)