Marvel Database


Origins and early years[]

Tanaraq was one of the Great Beasts from the Realm of the Beasts.[citation needed]

Modern Age[]

When Walter Langkowski attempted to flood his body with gamma radiation to become a being similar to the Hulk, his experiment broke though an ancient mystical barrier which was discovered by Tanaraq. The experiment formed a symbiotic relationship between Walter and Tanaraq. Whenever Walter turned into his Sasquatch form, he was actually trading places with Tanaraq. Eventually, Tanaraq was able to take control of his body in this realm. Snowbird realized this and attacked Tanaraq, slaying him, stranding Walter's soul in the Realm of the Beasts until Alpha Flight recovered it.[citation needed]



  • Superhuman Strength: Tanaraq is an other-dimensional being of incredible strength. He is comparable to Sasquatch at his original sasquatch form while at his peak, his strength level is Class 90.
  • Superhuman Durability: Tanaraq is extremely resistant to damage, in order to kill him while he was in control of Walter Langkowski's body Snowbird had to take on his form.[3]
  • Possession: Tanaraq has in the past displayed the ability to possess the body of Sasquatch under certain circumstances.[4]
  • Power Distribution: Tanaraq can bestow upon others a portion of his abilities, as he did once with the Wrecking Crew.[5]
  • Wendigo Curse Empowerment: Tanaraq power grows in proportion to the number of people affected by the Wendigo Curse.[1]
  • Energy Prokection: Tanaraq can project powerful blasts of energy from his hands.[6]


See Also

Links and References

