Marvel Database


Tony Stark designed the Technovore virus to consume the data on the Iron Man and Crimson Dynamo armors in Project: Pegasus's computers and to stop Obadiah Stane from getting them. The virus was meant to burn itself out during the process, but it became sentient and it uploaded itself into Project Pegasus's nanobot project.[1]

Technovore molded the nanotechnology into a body which ran loose is the Project Pegasus building, assimilating all technology it could find. James Rhodes traveled to the Project Pegasus building to check out a disturbance, but encountered Technovore. Technovore used Rhodey's earpiece, to call its creator Tony Stark so it could consume the Iron Man armor. Anton Harchov,the lead scientist, escaped Project: Pegasus just before Iron Man arrived. Iron Man activated the armor's self destruct and ran, leaving it behind, the explosion seemingly destroying Technovore. Later in Russia, Anton Harchov left in a private jet, but a tiny part of Technovore's nanomite body still remained inside the fabric of his coat.[2]



Seemingly those of the Technovore of Earth-616.

See Also

Links and References

