The story of Thanos was identical to that of his Earth-199999 counterpart until 2018, Thanos intercepted the ship carrying the Asgardians traveling to Earth after the destruction of Asgard, after several casualties, Heimdall sent the Hulk to Earth to warn Earth's heroes of Thanos' arrival.
Thanos sent the Black Order to Earth to retrieve the Infinity Stones found there, unaware that the planet was infested with zombies, and that half of the Black Order was dead. After collecting the Infinity Stones that were in space, Thanos himself went to Earth where he got the Time Stone, but on the way he was zombified. Soon, Thanos arrived in Wakanda.
The current intentions of the zombified Thanos are unknown.[1]Attributes
- Uatu's commentary after Thanos' first appearance suggests that the surviving heroes will encounter the zombified Titan in Wakanda and be defeated by him.