Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 We see many events. Other Babylons. Other Sumers. We see blood and chaos and the end of all things. We see the hand of Oblivion and we see you, weak and wanting. With those who must not be named, we share the great compact and now--on this day and in this age--those words are a comfort to you. Gather strength. Gather numbers. Gather minions. Quote2

The-Natural-Order-of-Things is the abstract entity in charge of everything perfectly scientific. It works through the Centum and is opposed by the magical entity, The-Powers-That-Be.[2]


The-Natural Order-of-Things and The-Powers-That-Be warred in ancient times until détente was agreed. As part of the compact, they pledged to only work through their respective servants, the Centivars and the Avatar, and each of those must also have a Proxy to represent the other side.[2] Despite this, friction remained between them and the Centum believed that a union between the Centivar Aiko Maki and the Avatar Wyn would almost certainly lead to war.[1]

After over half of the Centum was decimated against Cubisk Core, The-Natural-Order-of-Things spoke to and briefly possessed the Second Centivar, Dr. Saint-Maur Cercie, to warn about Oblivion and to command the remaining three Primes to gather strength and numbers.[3]



Centivar Manifestation: The-Natural-Order-Of-Things is capable of possessing one of its servants, Second of the Centum, to manifest on the Earthly Plane.[3]


See Also

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