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Larry (Black Rider's ally) (Earth-616) from The Fast Gun (AU) Vol 1 9 001
Quote1 He will come back, won't he? Once he's free, he'll go straight! Quote2
Marvel Westerns Strange Westerns Starring the Black Rider Vol 1 1 Textless
Black Rider
Quote1 I'm positive of that, Larry... Because you'll be there to help him! Quote2

Appearing in "Go For Your Guns!"

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Synopsis for "Go For Your Guns!"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Guns Roar at Snake River!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Kincaid's gang
    • Kincaid

Other Characters:

  • Leadville residents

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Synopsis for "Guns Roar at Snake River!"

A boy had been shot and the Black Rider helped him. He ordered Dan, one of the Leadville residents, to call for Sheriff Ben Yarby, as he was bringing the boy to Doc Masters' office. The Black Rider changed into his civilian identity, Doc Masters, and attended the unconscious boy. When he awakened Doc Masters told him that he had lost a lot of blood. The boy was disoriented and suddenly someone called to the door.There, Masters meet sheriff Ben Yarby, who asked him the circunstances of the boy's discovery. According to Masters, the Black Rider had found the boy unconscious at snake river. The Sheriff said that the overland stage was held up two miles away in the other side of the snake river. The driver had shot one of the bandits and Ben Yarby was sure that the injured boy was the injured bandit.

When the two returned to the office, they discovered that the boy had disappeared, with Yarby intending to form a posse to catch him. Meanwhile, Doc Masters thought that the boy wouldn't be the injured bandit, since his injury was from a hit in the head and not a bullet. So he decided to investigate the case as the Black Rider and returned to the Snake River. Now he discovered a series of hoofprints in the clay soil and followed them.

At this moment, a bandit gang welcomed the boy who was returning to them. The bandit leader, Kincaid wanted to hit the boy again, but one of bandits, Bob, told him that he would handle his brother. Bob tried to made Larry, his brother, leave but the latter tried to prevent Bob about a posse forming against the gang. This new angered Kincaid, who was angry at the posiblity of the posse followed Larry, so he tried to shoot him. Bob tried to stop him, but Kincaid was stronger and hit him.Bob fell into the Snale river. Now, Kimcaid gave Larry two options: die or thrown himself to the river.

Is in this moment, that the Black Rider arrived to scene. The gang tried to shoot him, but the Rider was faster and defeated them easily. When the sheriff's posse arrived, the Black Rider handed the bandits to them. Meanwhile Bob revealed that Larry had no part in the last robbery, and he tried to keep him from participating, before Kincaid hit Larry in the head. Finally Bob accepted his fate to end in prison for his crimes. Larry was still hopeful that both would start a ranch when his brother finished his sentence. The Black Rider was also positive that Bob would leave crime, because Larry would be there to help him.

Appearing in "The Rawhide Kid"

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Synopsis for "The Rawhide Kid"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Trapped in a Texas Town!"

Featured Characters:

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Other Characters:

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Synopsis for "Trapped in a Texas Town!"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Fight or Run!"

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Synopsis for "Fight or Run!"

  • Synopsis not yet written


  • This issue (from Australian Horwitz) printed five unpublished stories from Marvel that were also later used for Giant Western Gunfighters (AU) #4.[1] These stories were drawn and written by American authors. It is possible that they were not published in the United States because of the "Atlas implosion" of the late 1950s.[2]

See Also

Links and References


  1. [[The Fast Gun (Horwitz, 1958? series) Vol 1 9 AusReprints. Retrieved on June 5, 2024.|The Fast Gun (Horwitz, 1958? series) #9 AusReprints. Retrieved on June 5, 2024.]]
  2. Hoppe, Rand (January 13, 2019) Discovery at Snake River – again? The Kirby Effect. Archived from the original on June 5, 2024. Originally retrieved on June 5, 2024.