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Quote1 Men have ever shunned me as one far different... far superior from themselves! Quote2
The Leader

Appearing in ""No More the Monster!""

Reprint of the 1st story from
Incredible Hulk #123

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Synopsis for ""No More the Monster!""

Reprint of the 1st story from
Incredible Hulk #123
Following the capture of the Hulk, Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four are beginning to activate the device that is supposed to cure Bruce Banner of turning into the Hulk. Powering on the device, it appears to work and the Hulk is transformed back into Bruce Banner. When Banner revives, he refuses to participate in any tests and shows the members of the FF that he still can transform into the Hulk; however, now he can do so under his own power and still retain his Banner personality and intelligence. Although now in control, he vows never to become the Hulk again. After convincing the Fantastic Four to let him leave without further testing, Bruce calls Betty to tell her the good news and she flies to New York right away.

The two renew their romance and after spending time together, Bruce proposes to Betty, who eagerly accepts. Although they live in relative bliss, Banner is still haunted by the memory of the Hulk and vows to never become that monster again if he can help it.

Meanwhile, back at Gamma Base, General Ross shows Glenn Talbot the army's latest invention, a Tripodal Observation Module (a.k.a. T.O.M.) a new top secret weapon. They are unaware that the Hulk's old enemy the Leader wishes to take control of the devices and is speeding toward Gamma Base to carry out that very task. Later, Betty and Bruce are called by General Ross asking Bruce to become the Hulk again in order to keep the TOM from being stolen. Bruce isn't sure what to do, but decides to go and meet General Ross anyway. At the transport site, General Ross apologizes to Bruce for all the hard times that he's given him over the years and consents to Bruce marrying Betty. Bruce decides to go along with the convoy and is willing to employ his powers if need be.

As the convoy rolls, the Leader attacks in a specially made jet, and uses his superior mental powers to levitate the T.O.M. and the truck that is carrying it up into the sky. When the truck breaks free of the trailer and begins to plummet to the Earth, Bruce changes into the Hulk and saves the driver, then continues after the Leader.

Entering the nearby woods, the Hulk is attacked by the Leader who has activated and is now piloting the T.O.M. As the battle progresses the Hulk loses his temper, smashes the T.O.M. and grabs the Leader. However, before Bruce can crush the Leader, he realizes that he's lost control and panics, allowing the Leader to struggle free and escape. Bruce then changes back to his human form and laments over the fact that he almost killed someone, and vows never to become the Hulk again, not even if his life depends on it.

Appearing in "Hulk the Menace"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Hulk the Menance's Parents


Synopsis for "Hulk the Menace"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Chapter III: Facades, Ruses, and Masques"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Iron Man #139

Featured Characters:

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Other Characters:




  • Several helicopters including one mini-copter

Synopsis for "Chapter III: Facades, Ruses, and Masques"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Iron Man #139
This action packed issue opens in Derby, Connecticut with Madame Masque and two of her Dreadnoughts facing down an un-helmeted Iron Man/Tony Stark while a sedated Bethany Cabe lies helplessly in the room. The scene is disturbed as Jim Rhodes plows a tow-motor through the wall. Stark takes the opportunity to don his helmet, grab Bethany Cabe and blast through the ceiling to safety. Meanwhile, Rhodes runs for his life from the pursuing Dreadnoughts. Iron Man tells a reviving Bethany Cabe to fly a waiting helicopter to safety. However, Cabe waits until Iron Man jets back to rescue Rhodey, and promptly returns to the battle scene to confront Madame Masque. (Editor's note: Madame Masque had not only kidnapped Bethany Cabe but also severely beaten her good friend Ling McPherson last issue.) Iron Man does help rescue Rhodes from peril, but as more and more Dreadnoughts appears, he asks Rhodes to retrieve some dangerous stolen technology from Madame Masque's office. When Rhode's attempts to do so, he is intercepted by Spy-Master. Spy-Master shoots at Rhodes and takes the technology himself to later sell to the highest bidder. However, Rhodes pursues Spy-master from the compound in a helicopter. When Spy-Master tries to run Rhodes down from the sky, he crashes, ripping the rotors off his copter, after trying to fly under a narrow overpass. Cabe meanwhile has found Madame Masque. Masque promptly tells Bethany Cabe that she and Tony Stark had been lovers and in fact Stark is Iron Man. Cabe replies that she had already deduced this and chides Masque for leaving Stark when he needed her most and precipitating Stark's descent in alcoholism. Enraged, Masque fires her pistol at Cabe. A scurrying Cabe returns fire and shoots the mask off the villainess. After seeing Masque's disfigured face, Cabe has mercy on her previous tormentor and refuses to kill her. Cabe allows her to escape as she believes she has been punished sufficiently. As this issue concludes, Stark, Rhodes, and Cabe all safely leave the compound.

See Also

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