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Quote1 Stop your babbling, Jane Foster! I've heard enough! Where I come from, love is as out-dated an emotion as pity, or sorrow! Quote2
Tana Nile

Appearing in "Thunder in the Netherworld!"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Thunder in the Netherworld!"

Continued from last issue...

Thor has been transported to Olympus to fight on the behalf of Hercules, who has been caught in an Olympian Pact to take over rule of Hades from Pluto. Accepting the challenge, Pluto transports the Thunder God to Hades where he is to fight Pluto's hordes and prevent Pluto himself from crowning Hercules with the Crown of Hades, which would consummate their pact. Travelling through Hades, Thor is confronted with the first of many battles: With the being known as Cerberus. This a battle easily won by Thor who manages to over power the giant.

While on Earth, Jane Foster worries about Thor and fears the worst. When her roommate Tana Nile hears of her situation, she suddenly is able to hypnotize Jane and commands her to go on a long journey and not return.

Back in Hades, Hercules is brought before Pluto who is about to crown the Prince of Power with the Crown of Hades when Thor suddenly bursts in to stop the ceremony. When Hercules breaks free and tries to aid, he is struck down by Zeus who orders Hercules to let his chosen champion determine his fate. Thor battles Pluto's forces, defeating every obstacle in his way until he is caught in a Turbulence Chamber which threatens to destroy him.

Meanwhile on Earth, still under Tana Nile's control, Jane packs her things and leaves New York City. Leaving Tana, who is really an alien invader to begin her preparations for an Earth invasion. Back in Hades, Thor withstands the Turbulence Chamber and manages to break free, fighting Pluto's warriors, including the super strong Crusher. Thor continues to fight through these armies, causing massive damages to the realm. Seeing the destruction of the empire that he took centuries to build up, Pluto calls an end to the combat and agrees to cancel the Pact that Hercules signed. Witnessing Pluto tearing up the contract causes Hercules to rejoice a little too much and he almost causes the room to fall on their head.

When Hercules is about to start a fight with Pluto, Thor stops him and convinces the Prince of Power that to battle Pluto would be do act as a weaker man. Hercules thanks Thor his aid, and the two Gods leave Hades as comrades.

Appearing in "Tales of Asgard: The Fateful Change!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Harokin's Barbarians
    • Jailer (Unnamed)
    • Other Members (Unnamed)
  • Harokin

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Synopsis for "Tales of Asgard: The Fateful Change!"

Continued from last issue...

Thor and the Warriors Three have travelled into the realm of Muspelheim in order to recover the Warlock Eye, however they find that the Eye has been taken by Harokin who intends to use the Eye to take over Muspelheim and then Asgard itself.

The four warriors battle against Harokin's forces, and during the battle Thor himself sneaks into Harokin's chambers and easily subdues his opponent in combat. Thor finds no trace of the Warlock Eye, and knows that the only person who would is the now unconscious Harokin.

However, Thor notices that he and Harokin have a striking resemblance and so he changes into some of Harokin's clothing. When Harokin's men come to the chamber to warn him of the attack in progress it is Thor (disguised as Harokin) who answers and orders the men to bring the Warlock Eye.

This story is continued next issue...


  • Includes letters written by Bob Sheridan from Valley Stream N.Y., Russell Bullock Jr. from Pembroke, Mass, Saevar Peterson from Rykjavirc, Iceland, and James Infantine from Horseheads, N.Y.

See Also

Links and References

