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Should my bestial subject survive, he will be far more than a New-Man...far more than a wolf whose evolutionary process was speeded up!! In point of fact, he will be the ultimate end of evolution...a combination of the supreme man...coupled with the supreme beast!! His power will be too awesome to imagine!! And, if he should be evil--!

Appearing in "The People-Breeders!"

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Synopsis for "The People-Breeders!"

Continued from last issue...

Leaving the Black Galaxy, Thor and the Recorder are picked up by the Rigellians, who agree to free the Earth following Thor's battle with Ego the Living Planet. They set a course for Earth before they cross paths with the planet devourer known as Galactus. They arrive on Earth and locate Tana Nile who has been attempting to wrest control of the Earth for Colonization. The Rigellian's take Tana into their custody and lead her away, however Thor questions the alien about the location of Jane Foster, to which Tana admits she sent Thor's love away, but to points unknown to her. Before the Rigellian's leave, they give Thor a Psyche-Search Gauge to help him track down Jane.

Meanwhile, in a European country, Count Tagar, Porga and Jane Foster are on their way to the mountain citadel of a man known as the High Evolutionary. Along the way they are attacked by a group of armed mercenaries who are trying to get access to the High Evolutionary's inventions. In spite of their best efforts, Tagar and Porga manage long enough to be rescued by the Evolutionary's defenders, the Knights of Wundagore.

Thor arrives shortly there after and finds the battle ravaged soldiers and follows after Jane's trail. He soon finds himself confronted by the Knights as well, however he allows them to capture him and take him into the High Evolutionary's citadel. Inside, he is shocked when one of the Knights removes his helmet revealing that they are highly evolved humanoid animals.

The High Evolutionary begins a new evolution experiment in which he begins advancing the evolution of a wolf. The energy output of which is visible from the land below the mountains and is spied upon by Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch (who have been in the area attempting to recharge their mutant abilities while on a leave of absence from the Avengers.)

Inside the citadel, the Evolutionary's experiment begins advancing the wolf it's full evolutionary potential when he is interrupted by Thor who has come bursting in demanding he be brought to Jane Foster. Not wishing to fight, the High Evolutionary points Thor to a classroom where Jane is teaching the Ani-Men and the lovers are reunited.

This distraction however leaves the High Evolutionary's experiment unattended and the wolf is not only evolved to it's full lupin potential, but it's human potential as well, mutating it into the hate filled Man-Beast. The Man-Beast then begins stalking the halls of the High Evolutionary's citadel, coming upon Jane and Thor. Sensing the beasts evil, Thor warns Jane to brace herself for attack.

This story is continued next issue...

Appearing in "When Speaks the Dragon!"

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Synopsis for "When Speaks the Dragon!"

Thor and the Warriors Three have been dispatched to the realm of Nastrond, home of an evil race that once incurred the wrath of Odin himself long ago, to inspect the creatures effect on the land that they have been banished to.

The four warriors find a desolate and wasted world that is both harsh and cruel. That night as they camp out, Volstagg is awoken by a wise old man who convinces the rotund warrior into following him into a dark cavern. There Volstagg is led to a radiant pool of energy. When Volstagg cowers in fear of it's power, he leaves himself open for the old man, who transforms into his true form, that of the dragon lord Fafnir.

Fafnir takes Volstagg his hostage, and vows to finally get revenge against Odin and all of Asgard.

This story is continued next issue...


See Also

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