Appearing in "Within the Realm of Kartag!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Satrina ⏵ (First appearance)
- ⏴ Hela ⏵
- ⏴ Mangog ⏵
- Kartag ⏵ (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Redguard (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- ⏴ Forest Trolls
- ⏴ Kygar the Troll (Death)
- ⏴ Khan (Death)
- Whitemane
- Bulwar
- Rongor
- Blackworld Knights
Races and Species:
- Asgardians
- Giants of Jotunheim
- Dragons
- Humans
- Forest Trolls
- Horses
- Ants (Mentioned)
- Demons (Mentioned)
- Asgard
- World's End
- Darkhold (First appearance) (Satrina's Lair)
- Blackworld
- Twilight Well (Mentioned)
- World's End
- Hades (Mentioned)
- Mjolnir
- Fimbuldraugr
- Hridgandr
- Thunder-Cannon (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Within the Realm of Kartag!"
On Blackworld, Sif and Hildegarde come upon a town, and people in blind terror of someone that is coming. They only refer to it as "he". Meanwhile, Thor and the Warriors Three continue their quest for Kartag and the Twilight Well, only to be beset by his minions.
Solicit Synopsis
The quest for the Well at the Edge of the World! The fury of Kartag the Keeper! And then, before your eyes - Asgard falls! Pageantry with a punch!
- As seen on page one, this issue is Story#798-Z.
- This issue features a letters page, The Hammer Strikes. Letters are published from Rebecca Page & Stephanie Wittenberg, Billy Philpott and Mike Gliemi.