Marvel Database

Quote1 Balder my lord! Would that my living eyes had been torn from my face 'ere I had seen this sight! BALDER THE BRAVE IS DEAD! Quote2

Appearing in "The Harvest of the Seasons"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Larrson (First appearance)
  • Starkad
  • Hoskuld (First appearance)
  • Einar




Synopsis for "The Harvest of the Seasons"

Balder leaves Karnilla after learning of his coronation. Lorelei, still in love with Loki, enrages him. But she is comforted by Malekith, who has a plan himself. At a construction site, Malekith is captured and put in the Prison of No Escape. Balder arrives in Asgard, greeted by cheers. Heimdall goes to ask Amora if he can escort her to the coronation but discovers that she was unaware of Skurge's fate. In the Prison, Malekith is bound in mystic irons preventing his escape, when a figure crashes through the wall and begins to pummel him. At the coronation, Kurse crashes through the crowd and before anyone can do anything, he grabs Balder and snaps his neck.


Thor Odinson (Earth-616) and Balder Odinson (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 1 367 0001

Balder first sees Thor's beard

  • In this issue, Balder see Thor with a beard for the first time. Two issues later, Balder would meet Thor again and will be surprised to see him with a beard.

See Also

Links and References

