Marvel Database

Appearing in "...And How Shall Mortals Know Ye?"

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Synopsis for "...And How Shall Mortals Know Ye?"

Maddie Arnstein is given the task to rewrite a Thor movie script, and she goes digging in the past for the story.

Madelyn Arnstein (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 1 394 0001

Maddy Arnstein

After meeting with several people who had known Thor, she decides to write a story about a fictional police officer, Kelly Hernandez — whom she imagines with her own face. Hernandez meets Thor while both of them were fighting the same criminals...

Madelyn Arnstein (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 1 394 002

Kelly Hernandez

Hernandez then starts a tumultuous, sentimental relationship with Thor (and improves her own weaponry considerably), but she finds herself unable to join Thor in the legendary Asgard, leaving her homeworld, Earth, behind. This ends their relationship with tears.

Movie Thor from Thor Vol 1 394

Thor and Hernandez.

While the producers enjoy Arnstein's script, they decide to greenlight a parallel Thor project instead: A Saturday morning cartoon for TV featuring Thor as a dog.

Thrr (Earth-8311) from Thor Vol 1 394 001

Dog of Thunder.

See Also

Links and References


  1. Actor playing Thor in a movie.
  2. Director of the Thor movie.
  3. Producer of the Thor movie.
  4. Assistant to Simon Anderson, tasked to re-write the Thor script.
  5. Volunteer that went to San Diablo and one of the first people to ever see Thor. Journey Into Mystery #84
  6. Woman in park with her boyfriend that Thor told them he was in love with Jane. Journey Into Mystery #107