Marvel Database

Quote1 You -- your race -- You're an infection. Entitled and empowered -- think that simply because you exist -- that you deserve to be heeded and feared? You are not gods. You're parasites! Quote2

Appearing in "The World Eaters (Part 7)"

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Synopsis for "The World Eaters (Part 7)"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

FINALE! ODIN AND THE ASGARDIAN BLOOD LEGION STAND BETWEEN EARTH AND THE WORLD-EATERS. If only Previews let us use bigger fonts. The end of an epic god-scale battle is fought HERE and NOW for the souls of everyone entangled in the branches of the World Tree. Who shall stand for Earth? Who shall stand for Asgard? Who shall fall in Asgard's name? Not everyone's making it out of this one. Place your bets, grab a hankie, and wipe that blood from your eyes... the darkness before dawn is upon us! Brought to you by two Matts, a John, and the marvelous Pasqual.

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