Marvel Database

Quote1 One day, one city, one villain at time... I'm gonna pound some sense into them... Quote2

Appearing in "The Penance"

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Synopsis for "The Penance"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

ANOTHER TREASURE FROM THE VAULTS! Travel back to the early days of The Thunderbolts, as Moonstone has returned home to atone for her former sins, while Jack “NOMAD” Monroe looks for revenge! As any T-Bolt knows, it’s tough to forgive and forget! Get caught up on this lost T-Bolts tale from Fabian Nicieza and Derec Donovan!


  • Includes a letter from Fabian Nicieza discussing the origins of the story and signed "Fabian Nicieza (from somewhere in Gotham City", a reference to his work on Red Robin and similar Batman-related books at the time of this printing.
  • Also includes a letter page, featuring original artist Mark Bagley and original writer Kurt Busiek reflecting on their work on the Thunderbolts series.

See Also

Links and References

