Marvel Database

Quote1 Will you please look at the trouble we've gone through to recreate his world? His relationship keeps him safe from people who want him destroyed. And I can't speak for him either, but I can tell. He likes going with us. I think he's curious about the world. Now that I know he was a scientist, it makes sense. Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Hunters of Vellus-Kar (First appearance)
    • Galik (First appearance; dies)
    • Kuree (First appearance)
    • Balkaa (First appearance; dies)
  • A.I.M. (Only in flashback)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for 1st story

Luke Cage is in meeting with F.A.C.T. (Federal Advisory Committee to the Thunderbolts) to discuss Man-Thing. After Cage vouches for the creature, F.A.C.T. requests to see it. Down in Man-Thing's habitat, his current caretaker, Dennis, explains how a device of Hank Pym's enables the Thunderbolts to use Man-Thing to travel around the world. F.A.C.T. asks if the creature hasn't been a trouble for the Thunderbolts. Dennis states that the team isn't scared of him. Once Dennis switches shifts with his co-worker Gary, it turns out that "Gary" is in fact Jennifer Kale in disguise, who soon breaks Man-Thing out.

Meanwhile, hunters from another realm call Vellus-Kar hunt locals in Everglades until Man-Thing shows up and kills all but one, scaring the survivor back into her home dimension. The people back at the Raft watch this through the implant in Man-Thing which Kale failed to remove. Immediately after the task is done, Man-Thing returns to the Raft, much to the dismay of Kale, who thinks that he's being used like a tool. Upon their return, they are greeted by armed guards. Cage and Songbird comes down to diffuse the situation, as Kale explains the true identity and origins of Man-Thing. Man-Thing's teammates explain to her that the creature has worked well on their team. Kale apologizes for abruptly kidnapping her friend and promises to come by from time-to-time.

Though Man-Thing got a good review from the directors, they are skeptical about the Raft's vulnerability to magic. Therefore, they seek out Doctor Strange to help them find another magic user.

Solicit Synopsis

Before he was pressed into service for the Thunderbolts, the mysterious swamp monster of the team knew another life: as guardian for a force of nature called The Nexus of Realities. An old friend of the creature does remember this--and breaks the silent one out of The Raft to return to duty at the borders of our world. What danger awaits the Man-Thing--and what will The Thunderbolts say to losing their favorite plant? The team is back in action after word has come down on high about a weakness in Thunderbolt’s, and they must bolster their ranks to deal with the imminent magical threats. Luke Cage calls on New Avenger DOCTOR STRANGE to help find the perfect candidate to fill the role, but bringing this person in is far from easy--which is why SATANA will make a fine Thunderbolt. Back at The Raft, the status quo is changing to an even greater extent without Luke's knowledge. Get ready for new levels of lightning-like justice!


See Also

Links and References

