Marvel Database

Quote1 That's it, Cage. My psychoactive agents are going right to your cerebrum. You know what's coming, you know none of it will be 'real.' Yet fear isn't about the way the world really is. Fear is about what you can't control. All those ideas you push back to get through your day, I release them all. You know what makes fear such an effective weapon? You are the one who provides all the ammo. Quote2
Mr. Fear

Appearing in "The Word At the Jilted Cage..."

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Danielle Cage (Illusion or holographic simulation)
  • Jessica Jones (Illusion or holographic simulation)
  • Janice (First appearance; dies)
  • MacMillan




Synopsis for "The Word At the Jilted Cage..."

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• Luke Cage takes center stage with the ‘Bolts still at large! • With the Raft still a shambles, Luke finds himself a prisoner of Mr. Fear!

• Meanwhile, Songbird discovers a vital clue to catching the Fugitive Thunderbolts!

See Also

Links and References

