Marvel Database


Toby was a mutant baby whose mother had her car stolen by carjackers while he was still on it. The stress of the situation triggered his mutant powers, quickly turning his cries into a sonic scream which knocked out the carjackers and started to wreck havoc. Wolverine and Honey Badger managed to approach the car, but they were blown away when Laura tried to cover Toby's mouth. Jean Grey arrived to the scene and telepathically calmed down the baby, additionally implanting a psychic suggestion not to cry so much.

Jean subsequently returned Toby to his mother, while also telepathically contacting her colleague Beast to have him make Toby a dampener necklace. She then suggested Toby's mother to have him attend the Xavier Institute for Mutant Education and Outreach when he was old enough in order to learn how to control his powers.[1]



Sonic Scream: Toby possesses the ability to unleash a sonic scream when he cries, capable of shattering eardrums and glass. At point blank, Toby's scream vaporized all but the adamantium-coated bones of Wolverine's hand, and sent her flying away, blowing away the top of the car where he was sitting in the process.[1]

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