Marvel Database

Quote1 The very thing I mercilessly fired Pym for, happened to me! I, too, made a mistake -- the most tragic one ever made! Quote2
Albert Poole (Hulk)

Appearing in "I Created Grutan!"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Strange Tales #75
(originally printed as I Made the Hulk Live)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Joe

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "I Created Grutan!"

Reprint of the 5th story from
Strange Tales #75
(originally printed as I Made the Hulk Live)

A short and bitter scientist is obsessed with building a powerful giant robot body. He traps himself inside without the means to activate the robot, living out his life on the food which he'd stored inside.

Appearing in "Brother of a Monster"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
Marvel Tales #113

Synopsis for "Brother of a Monster"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
Marvel Tales #113

Two brothers, a deformed one and handsome one, are situated near the occurrence of murders. People suspect the deformed one as the culprit, but it turns out to be the other one.

Appearing in "The Madman's Music"

Reprint of the 4th story from
Venus #19
  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Madman's Music"

Reprint of the 4th story from
Venus #19

A man plays music that only the dead can hear.

Appearing in "They Made Me A Ghost!"

Reprint of the 6th story from
Strange Tales #16

Featured Characters:

  • Blackie Droome (First appearance; dies and becomes a ghost)

Supporting Characters:

  • Judge Parker
  • Unnamed Death Row Inmate


Other Characters:

  • Death Row Inmate's Wife (Mentioned) (Deceased)
  • Tom
  • Unnamed Correction Officer

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "They Made Me A Ghost!"

Reprint of the 6th story from
Strange Tales #16

A condemned man makes a deal with Satan to be made a ghost so that he can haunt the judge responsible for his sentence. As a ghost, he finds himself unable to affect the physical world and the wind eventually blows him out into the void of space where he drifts for eternity.


  • "I Created Grutan!" has been altered slightly from it's original printing. Albert's assistant is referred to as Pym instead of Blake and the robot suit he's creating is changed from Hulk to Grutan. These changes were most likely made to better fit the narrative into the Marvel Universe.

See Also

Links and References

