Appearing in "Brainstorm!"
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Synopsis for "Brainstorm!"
Continued from last issue...
Buster Witwicky uses his new power to control mechanical objects with his mind and ponders how he gained these extraordinary powers. He recalls how he had placed two terminals connected to the captured head of Optimus Prime to his temples and was jolted with a tremendous force and considers the idea that these powers were transferred over to him by Optimus Prime so the Decepticons cannot use this power to take over the Earth. His thoughts are disturbed when Sparkplug yells down from outside to his son to come out and help with his garage. Buster wonders how he can tell his father that his newfound "passion" for cars is due to his continued involvement with the Transformers, and how his father might consider him now that he is a metal manipulating "freak".
Meanwhile, at the Blackrock Aerospace plant currently occupied by the Decepticons, Shockwave is furious to find that Optimus Prime has not been able to give life to his newest creation, Jetfire. Deducing that Optimus Prime no longer has the Creation Matrix, he correctly assumes that Prime must have hidden it somewhere. Unaware that Prowl and Ratchet are overhearing the conversation from the Ark through a special spy system in Blackrock's phone lines, Shockwave calls forward Rumble and begins scanning his memories. Keying specifically during the time that he was put on security detail at the Ark, Shockwave finds images of Buster Witwicky sneaking in and out of the Autobots base during the time that the Decepticons had control of the facility. When Lasterbeak recognizes Buster, Shockwave decides to send him to collect Buster. Hearing this, Prowl sends Bluestreak and Bumblebee off to find the boy first and protect him from the Decepticons.
Before sending off Laserbeak to do his task, Shockwave programs a message within his minion and hands Laserbeak (in cassette tape mode) to a pizza delivery man bringing food for the workers to hand to the military outpost command outside the building. Playing Laserbeak in a tape-recorder, the military commander is given orders from Shockwave to back away 12 miles in the next an hour he will kill all the hostages. With the message delivered Laserbeak departs to search for Buster.
While at the Witwicky garage, Buster helps his father when Jessie comes by for a visit and asks Buster to take a bike ride to the falls. Sparkplug thinks it is a great idea and allows his son to go with his girlfriend. Bumblebee arrives at the garage shortly after looking for Buster. Sparkplug, not wanting his son to be involved with the Transformers because of the chaos it has made their lives, Sparkplug tells Bumblebee to buzz off and that he can protect his son on his own. Bumblebee complies with his wishes however Sparkplug doesn't trust the Autobots and decides to go looking for Buster on his own, unaware that Bluestreak is tailing him from behind.
While at the falls, Buster tries to get Jessie to stop so that he can apologize for snapping at her the day before, and is forced to use his powers to make the chain on her bike break. Apologizing to her, she feels silly as she is the one who feels she needs to apologize to him and the two share a make-up kiss. Sparkplug interrupts and warns the two lovers of the Autobots who are looking for them, just as Bumblebee and Bluestreak arrive. They tell Buster that they have come to protect him from the Decepticons, completely unaware that Laserbeak has just succeeded in tracking down the boy.
Shockwave then programs the lifeless body of Jetfire to seek out and capture Buster, destroying anything in their way. While back at the falls, Bumblebee explains to Buster that Optimus Prime transferred the Creation Matrix into him. Sparkplug, finding the whole story complete nonsense attempts to leave the scene with his son, prompting Laserbeak to attack. The Decepticon proves to be no match for Bluestreak, who easily blasts him out of the sky with his Ion Dispenser Rifle.
Then Jetfire arrives and attacks the Autobots, downing them easily. With the done attempting to grab Buster, Sparkplug, and Jessie, Buster is forced to reveal to both of them his powers as he uses them to deconstruct Jetfire. Telling the truth to his father and Jessie, Buster is forgiven and is allowed to help the Autobots take back Optimus Prime's head. Using his powers, he reconstructs Jetfire and using his powers to control the robots brain component Buster leaves with the Autobots to battle the Decepticons.
As the other Autobots rush toward Blackrock's Aerospace plant for the final battle, they overhear Shockwave telling Optimus Prime that he has outlived his usefulness and will be destroyed.
This story is continued next issue...
- The toy for the character Jetfire used the mold for the Valkyrie fighter from the Robotech (aka Macross) line of toys, owned by Bandai. To avoid any licensing issues that might come out of this, Jetfire's robot mode was redesigned to eliminate any likeness between the figure, his appearance matches that of his appearance in the Transformers cartoon.