The Tri-Man was a creature created by the Masked Marauder, powered with the skills of three thugs called Dancer, Mangler, and Brain.[1] It fought both Daredevil and Spider-Man, encountering Spider-Man while trying to kill Daredevil and blinded him. Spider-Man still managed to beat it, and its self destruct mechanism was activated. To prevent it from destroying the tunnels, Spider-Man took a lucky shot and deactivated the self destruct panel and the robot simply collapsed.[2]
See Also
- 7 appearance(s) of Tri-Man (Earth-616)
- 1 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Tri-Man (Earth-616)
- 1 minor appearance(s) of Tri-Man (Earth-616)
- 1 mention(s) of Tri-Man (Earth-616)
- 3 image(s) of Tri-Man (Earth-616)