Appearing in 1st story
Agamemnon's army:
- Thersites (Death)
- Molion (First appearance; dies)
- Persinous (First appearance; dies)
- Eilissus (First appearance; dies)
- Menippus (First appearance; dies)
- Podarces (First appearance; dies)
- Idomeneus
- Meriones (First appearance)
- Young man from Dulichium (First appearance; dies)
- Ajax
- Achilles (Death)
- Diomedes
- Antilochus (Death)
- Odysseus
- Agamemnon
- Menelaus
- Old Phoenix
- Nestor (Mentioned)
- Patroclus (Mentioned)
Trojans and their allies:
- Trojans
- King Priam
- Queen Hecuba
- Paris
- Helen
- Cassandra
- Helenus
- Andromache
- Tisiphone (First appearance)
- Theano (First appearance)
- Deiphobus (First appearance)
- Orythaon (First appearance; dies)
- Hipponous (First appearance; dies)
- Alcathous (First appearance; dies)
- Hector (Mentioned)
- Meneptolemus (Referenced)
- Amazons (Joins)
- Penthesileia (First appearance; dies) (Main story and flashback)
- Clonié (First appearance; dies)
- Polemusa (First appearance; dies) (Death off-panel)
- Derinoè (First appearance; dies) (Death off-panel)
- Evandrè (First appearance; dies)
- Antandrè (First appearance; dies) (Death off-panel)
- Bremusa (First appearance; dies)
- Hippothoè (First appearance; dies) (Death off-panel)
- Harmothoè (First appearance; dies) (Death off-panel)
- Alcibiè (First appearance; dies) (Death off-panel)
- Derimacheia (First appearance; dies) (Death off-panel)
- Antibrotè (First appearance; dies) (Death off-panel)
- Thermodosa (Death)
- Queen Hippolyte (Only in flashback) (Death)
- Aethiopians (Joins and leaves)
- Memnon (First appearance) (Death)
- Darans
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Furies
- Iphiclus (Mentioned)
- Eris (Mentioned)
- Hephaestus (Mentioned)
- Peleus (Mentioned)
- Charon (Mentioned)
- Telamon (Mentioned)
- Laertes (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Chariot of Achilles
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written