Marvel Database

The Army of Turan was the military of the empire of Turan, serving both to protect the empire, and to expand it.

Leading the Turanian Army were the great commanders, a title of nobility, passed down as an inheritance.

Conan served as a mercenary in the Turanian Army, even gaining the title of great commander, and also opposed them later with Kozaki bandits[2] and other groups.


This tale contradicts with other accounts of the Conan saga, considering Conan and Yezdigerd first met in the Vilayet Sea, when Yezdigerd was only a prince.
When Yezdigerd became king, he augmented the ranks of the Turanian army with mercenaries (such as Conan, and launched invasions of his neighbors, including Stygia where the Stygians slaughtered each and every of the Turanian men in bloody ambushes across the desert of the Great Red Waste. Serving under the leadership of Great Commander Hormizd, Conan was the sole survivor of such an ambush, and was met with the group of Great Commander Bahram, who mistrusted him for being alive amidst piles of corpses. On the next ambush, all Turanians were slain, save for four Turanians who stuck with him. They reached another camp where four Great Commanders were discussing tactics. Conan proposed that the Turanians use elephants to drag warships from the Vilayet Sea and into the River Styx, across the Red Waste, and take Stygia by sea. As the great commanders were about to turn on Conan and his Turanian friends, Stygians attacked the camp. The great commanders were also slain, but Conan managed once again to survive, and was brought in chains to King Yezdigerd in Aghrapur. Once again, the great commanders there mistrusted Conan, one challenged him but was swiftly slain by the Cimmerian. Yezdigerd decided to listen to Conan and made him great commander (his first command), despite the fact it was an hereditary title of nobility. Conan's plan of invading Stygia by sea was never implemented and the Turanian border wars kept on for years. Surrounded by enemies in Turan, Conan eventually left[2]

See Also

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