Marvel Database

Quote1 I know who you are-- Do you hear me? I know who you are! And you're nothing! Nothing! YOU'RE NOT EVEN A MAN! Quote2
Blue Blade

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

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  • Detective Rose's iPod

Synopsis for 1st story

As the Blue Blade remains late at the studio one night to rehearse his script, Electro comes to life and attacks him. Despite fighting valiantly, the Blue Blade is killed when Electro throws him out of a window. The Phantom Reporter is tipped off to the Blade's death and investigates the crime scene. Ms. Zogolowski tells him that the Blade had looked through Electro's memory banks and saw something he deemed important. She recommends that the Reporter do the same thing before Electro's equipment is confiscated. He has the unit stripped from his head before he can get the whole picture, but he believes that he knows who's responsible.

The Fiery Mask relates his true origin story to Mastermind Excello. It wasn't caused by the Zombie Master's ray as he had always attested, rather a man he found dying in a car accident told him that if he wasn't going to make it that he wanted to transfer his gift of fiery power to him, which he accepted despite the fact that there was a chance that he could have been saved.

Solicit Synopsis

The threads of the tapestry draw together around our heroes as one of the Twelve takes that endless dirt-nap!

See Also

Links and References

