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Quote1 Okay, I want that thing in there removed!! Like, from the planet!! Quote2
Carol Danvers

Appearing in "Ultimate Origins (Part III)"

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Synopsis for "Ultimate Origins (Part III)"

The Fantastic Four and S.H.I.E.L.D. continue to analyze the recently discovered Monolith at Project Pegasus. Director Carol Danvers is worried that this leftover relic from World War II might be a bomb and wants it moved off-planet. Without warning, the device activates. People from across the globe become aware that something tremendous is about to happen.


27 years ago
Erik Lehnsherr breaks into the Weapon X facility and frees James Howlett from captivity. His mother tries to stop him, but Erik refuses to be cowed. As a result, he is forced to take his mother's life.
18 years ago
Erik Lehnsherr meets Charles Xavier for the first time at a symposium in San Francisco. Charles recognizes that Erik is a mutant, but cannot understand why his thoughts are shielded from him. Lehnsherr tells Charles that he has read his book and that he shares his dream about creating a safe haven for mutants. Further, he feels that he can help make Xavier's dream a reality.
16 years ago
Lehnsherr brings Xavier to a strange, hidden world known as the Savage Land. It is here that Lehnsherr has begun assembling his mutant loyalists. Xavier tells him that his goal was to help integrate mutants into human society, not isolate them. In a showy display of power, Lehnsherr uses images from Xavier's mind to craft a giant mutant citadel in the heart of the Savage Land.

Solicit Synopsis

Wolverine... Nick Fury... Captain America... Magneto & Professor X... how are they all connected? Witness the first meeting between Charles Xavier, leader of the X-Men, and Eric Lehnsherr, the mutant who will come to be known as Magneto! From the muddy battle fields of World War II to the steaming shadows of the Savage Land, Brian Michael Bendis (SECRET INVASION) and Butch Guice (CAPTAIN AMERICA) continue the shocking story that finally reveals the buried truths of the Ultimate Universe!


  • This issue contradicts two past issues in regards to Magneto's backstory:
    • Issue #5 of Ultimate X-Men showed imagery of Holocaust prisoners alongside Magneto's monologue about war and genocide, implying it originally was going to be a part of his backstory.
    • Issue #26 had Erik reference a wealthy family he was born into, with whom he was no longer on speaking terms. Here, on the other hand, it's revealed that his parents were Canadian Weapon X agents, and that he was a young man in the '80s to boot.

See Also

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