Marvel Database

Appearing in "Part II"

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Synopsis for "Part II"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

The Brotherhood vs. the Ultimates-Hawkeye vs. Spider-Man-the shocker of the year rocks on! Reeling from the sneak attack by Venom, the team has no time to recover-because the evil mutant team known as The Brotherhood has launched a full-scale assault on Tony Stark's mansion! It's Captain America vs. Sabretooth, Iron Man vs. Mystique-and Thor vs. Valkyrie? Plus: Which mega-popular character (nope, not Spidey) makes a surprise appearance on the last page? The dream team of Jeph Loeb, Joe Madureira, and Christian Lichtner continues to rock the Ultimates!


  • Magneto's clothes are exactly the same as in Mainstream, violet and red, contrary to every of his appareances. This may be a colourist's mistake.

See Also

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