Marvel Database

Quote1 On our level, combat is a metaphor. A clash of ideas. By existing in this form, I damage your narrow systems -- your boundaries and categories. They lose your meaning. You lose your -- and by proving myself -- unnh -- the stronger of the two of us -- I damage you further. Retreat, ordered one, before I break your precious worldview into pieces. Quote2

Appearing in "The Rock and the Mountain"

Featured Characters:

  • Galactus/Galan (Appears in flashback and main story; as Galan in flashback only)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Synopsis for "The Rock and the Mountain"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• Once he was the Devourer of Worlds -- but now, at long last, his endless hunger has been cured.

• But is there a hidden price? What does it mean to wring new life from death? What does it mean to be...Galactus?

• Special guest artist Christian Ward (ODY-C) takes us into the life of the Lifebringer -- for the most cosmic issue yet!

See Also

Links and References


  1. Ultimates (Vol. 2) #7 's Ulti-Mails letters page