The creatures dubbed as Ultimos were a race of giant humanoid robots created in an alien world centuries into the past. This planet's inhabitants seemingly discovered a potent source of enzymatic energy derived from biomatter, and built the Ultimos to be powered by it. The Ultimos presumably destroyed their creators, devouring them for sustenance.[1] One of these robots somehow left the planet and became known as Ultimo, believed to be the only of its kind, who gained a reputation as a cosmic threat who terrorized civilizations.[2]
After killing its creators, the Ultimos roamed the planet. In modern day, the super villain Stilt-Man learned of the existence of their homeworld and also found a way to reprogram the robots. Settling in this planet, Stilt-Man used a teleportation beam to routinely abduct people from all over the universe. Pretending that the same thing had inexplicably happened to him, Stilt-Man rallied the castaways in building a colony called Megiddo. Stilt-Man remotely controlled the Ultimos to regularly terrorize the village, often to consume some of its inhabitants before making them retreat. Establishing the Ultimos as a constant looming threat, Stilt-Man ensured that the Megiddans bonded over survival.[3] After being marooned to Megiddo and joining the colony, Iron Man helped the Megiddans kill one of the Ultimos.[1] When he looked into their remains, Stark discovered Stilt-Man's modifications to allow for the remote control. Following Stilt-Man's defeat, the Living Tribunal teleported all Megiddans back home, leaving the Ultimos alone.[3]Miscellaneous
See Also
- 5 appearance(s) of Ultimos (Race)
- 1 minor appearance(s) of Ultimos (Race)
- 4 image(s) of Ultimos (Race)