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Marvel Database

Quote1 All right, team! We're still trapped in a death maze (which we paid to enter, which is such a rip), but at least now we have the advantage of all knowing our perks and abilities. If we work together, no room can hold us. Ready, Justice Pals?! Quote2
Lady Crimepocalypse

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• Trapped in a deadly room from which the only escape is DEATH, Squirrel Girl and Kraven must try to figure out a way to survive!

• But who is pulling the strings? WHY does someone want them dead? And even if they CAN escape, what guarantee do they have that their troubles aren’t just beginning?

• NONE! They have NO guarantees, which is too bad for them but great for YOU, the reader! And it’s especially great for you, the reader who is presumably interested in stories of SUPER HERO CONFLICT and SUPER-POWERED FIGHTS!!!

• All that PLUS Brain Drain, Koi Boi, Chipmunk Hunk AND MORE await you in an issue so astounding, so filled with adventure, that we could ONLY call it “The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Issue 33”!

See Also

Links and References

