Marvel Database

Quote1 From your foul misdeed our family was ended--and a new one born, suffer now our retribution, suffer THE OMEGA CLAN. Quote2
The Omega Clan

Appearing in "Final Execution Chapter One"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Final Execution Chapter One"

At the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, Sabretooth is spying on Genesis at the school and assures someone else that Evan is indeed Apocalypse just like the 'fat man' (probably the Shadow King) had told them.

In Cavern X, Psylocke tells Fantomex that they only had a one-night stand to satisfy her curiosity and that it won't ever happen again.

Meanwhile, in Paris, Deadpool is on a mission to infiltrate The White Sky Showroom, a facility that turns people into weapons and sells them. Deadpool pretends to be a buyer and learns everything he can about the facility. The seller tells him that the Omega Clan, their most expensive murderers derived from the actual Omega Red, has been purchased and that they're after Deadpool and his friends. Eventually, Deadpool is then ambushed by them.

Back in Cavern X, Nightcrawler tells Logan that he wants X-Force to go after the Blob(AOA), as he is reminded by how he killed his wife. Surprisingly, Psylocke tells Logan she's quitting X-Force as she can't take it any longer. She kiss Logan, telling him that it will begin to haunt them back one of these days. Fantomex has also decides to quit as well.

As Betsy visits the school, and Kitty tells her Warren still hasn't showed any trace of his former life. Kitty wants Betsy to see him, but she quickly left the school. Beast and Kitty question about Betsy decision of being part Wolverine's strike team.

As Wolverine and Kurt start to worry about Deadpool, they decide go to the White Sky. They teleport inside the showroom to retrieve Deadpool, where they end up being ambush by the Omega Clan.

Appearing in "Purity"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Wolverine: Dangerous Games #1

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Monk Khalan (Death)


  • Dao (♀) (Death)
    • Four mobs (Death)

Other Characters:

  • Eight monks (Death)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Purity"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Wolverine: Dangerous Games #1

In Bangkok, Logan is meditating and trying to relax. He doesn't want the Wolverine to take control, to define him. Monk Khalan arrives and thanks Logan for scaring off the local mobs without physical violence. He tells Logan the Buddha has stated that there must be evil so that good can prove its purity above it, to which Logan responds, "But does there hafta be so damned much evil?" As he leaves, a woman named Dao thanks Logan for helping the community, and makes him dinner at her apartment. She tells him that she is actually from Burma, and she was snuck in illegally as a dancer. They kiss, and she reveals a dove tattoo on the back of her thigh as she starts undressing. Before any intimacy occurs however, Logan says that he still doesn't want to wake up the Wolverine. Instead, he goes back to Monk Khalan's temple, where he finds 8 dead monks and 4 mob members killing Khalan with long knives. Logan kills 3 of them, and is about to let the 4th live until he sees the dive tattoo on the back of his neck and realizes who their boss is. Wolverine arrives at Dao's apartment, who starts shooting at him with no effect. Before she dies, she questions the fact that Logan was a man of honor, to which Logan replies that now he is Wolverine.

Appearing in "Appetite for Destruction"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
Deadpool (Vol. 4) #1000

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Appetite for Destruction"

Reprint of the 3rd story from
Deadpool (Vol. 4) #1000
  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• The epic saga THE FINAL EXECUTION begins here! • Who are the Omegas and why must X-Force hunt them down?

• Included in this issue: Two rare stories by Rick Remender and Jerome Opeña starring Wolverine and Deadpool!


See Also

Links and References

