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Quote1 An' this is what my partner Black Tom Cassidy'd call... the coup de grace!! Quote2

Appearing in "He'll Never Make Me Cry"

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Synopsis for "He'll Never Make Me Cry"

Back from his adventures on Battleworld[1] and in Japan,[2] Colossus confesses to Kitty Pryde that while he was gone, he fell in love with Zsaji.[3] The revelation crushes Kitty; however, she hides the hurt from him until she returns to the room she shares with Illyana. Both Illyana and Lockheed try to comfort her when she breaks down into tears.

Meanwhile, Storm checks on Rogue down in the Danger Room and saves her from a potentially lethal training session. When Storm attempts to understand what happened between her and Michael Rossi, Rogue only says that she is a monster, then she flees the room telling her to leave her alone. Upstairs, Colossus returns to the mansion and is confronted by Logan who tells Peter that the two of them are going to have a talk about Peter's break-up with Kitty. Nightcrawler insists on coming to keep them out of trouble.

Upstairs, Kitty confides her feelings to Storm and tells her that she is taking some time to visit her parents. She is not sure if she will be coming back. In Dallas, Texas, the federal government's Raven Darkhölme and Valerie Cooper are traveling to Forge, who is said to have devices useful against mutants. While discussing Senator Robert Kelly's proposed Mutant Registration Act, Raven muses over what Valerie would think if she knew a mutant is driving her to Forge.

At a bar in Manhattan, Wolverine and Colossus argue over whether his romance with Zsaji on Battleworld was a relationship, and Peter's true feelings for Kitty. During the conversation, Logan picks up the Juggernaut's scent and realizes that their old foe is drinking at the bar and having fun with a woman. Not wishing for a fight to break out, Logan suggests that they leave. When Colossus decides to be difficult, the slightly drunk mutant stumbles and spills his drink on the Juggernaut.

Embarrassed over his defeat at the hands of Spider-Man,[4] the Juggernaut picks a fight with Colossus. As the fight rages, they trash the bar, but ultimately the Juggernaut wins. When the fight is over, the Juggernaut asks Wolverine and Nightcrawler if they wish to fight. Logan says no, and the Juggernaut departs leaving money to pay for the damages. When they confront Colossus, he is angry with his friends for not helping. Logan points out that X-Men will help each other out for honor and sacrifice everything. Kitty was willing to marry Caliban so that the Morlocks would save his life,[5] but Peter did not thank her for doing so.

As he walks away Nightcrawler tells Wolverine he is unforgiving. However, Logan points out that Colossus needed to be taught a hard lesson about honor. As they walk away, they are unaware of the woman who was with Juggernaut, who has now sucked the life out of a man, leaving a burnt-out husk. It is Selene, and she is glad to be walking the Earth once more after 2000 years.

Solicit Synopsis

A shocking turning point in the life of Kitty Pryde? What possible event could make us title this story, "He Won't Make Me Cry!" The tale which leads into the Kitty and Wolverine Limited Series.


  • When discussing how real Peter's feelings for Zsaji were, and comparing them to his relationship with Kitty, Logan is using what Peter told him in Uncanny X-Men #180, before they were taken to Battleworld.


  • Kitty appears to have shorter hair in this issue because she is wearing a wig [6].

See Also

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