Marvel Database

Quote1 I stand in the shadow of a man who said a house divided against itself cannot stand. I stand in the shadow of a man for whom the preservation of the union -- and the ideals and hopes and freedoms for which it stands -- was worth any price, even his own life. Now, as then, this land we love faces a clear and present danger, to its liberty and its future. For Abraham Lincoln, the challenge was slavery. For us, on this cusp of the 21st century, it is mutants! Quote2
Senator Robert Kelly

Appearing in "Dream’s End (Part 1): The Past is but Prologue!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Gordon Phillips' yacht

Synopsis for "Dream’s End (Part 1): The Past is but Prologue!"

Rogue's powers go crazy as she begins to manifest aspects of all of the people she has absorbed over the years; Bishop gets a hard lesson in the Danger Room; Mystique makes her final move to eliminate presidential candidate Robert Kelly and the X-Men race off to stop her.


Story continues in Cable #87

See Also

Links and References

