Appearing in "Utopia (Part 4)"
Featured Characters:
- X-Men
- Cyclops (Scott Summers)
- X-Force
- X-Men Science Team
- Mirage (Dani Moonstar)
- Mindee Cuckoo (Irma) (Name revealed)
- Pixie (Megan Gwynn)
- Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
- Colossus (Peter Rasputin)
- Iceman (Bobby Drake)
- Dazzler (Alison Blaire)
- Armor (Hisako Ichiki)
- Karma (Xuân Cao Mạnh)
- Magik (Illyana Rasputin)
- Humanity Now! Coalition
- Several unnamed Bio-Sentinels
- Dark X-Men
- Dark Avengers
- H.A.M.M.E.R.
- Unnamed agents
Other Characters:
- Several unnamed San Franciscans
- Unnamed Inferno Club security guards
- Hela (Behind the scenes)
- Angel (Warren Worthington III) (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Bio-Sentinels
- Humans
- Mutants
- Mutant-Fairy Hybrids
- Mutant Atlantean-Human Hybrids
- Olympians
- Symbiotes
- Asgardians (Behind the scenes)
- Earth
- North America
- United States of America
- California
- San Francisco
- Northern Park (First appearance)
- Worthington Towers
- San Francisco Bay
- Marin County
- Marin Headlands
- Marin County
- Bay of Oakland
- San Francisco
- Nevada
- California
- United States of America
- Just off the Pacific Coast
- Asteroid M (Shadow only)
- North America
- X-Uniforms
- Cyclops' Visor
- Wolverine's Suit
- Muramasa Blade (On Wolverine's claws)
- Hawkeye's Suit and Bow
- Ms. Marvel's Suit
- Cloak's Cloak
- Iron Patriot Armor Model 1
- Omega Machine (Behind the scenes)
- Cyclops' Motorcycle
- X-Sub
Synopsis for "Utopia (Part 4)"
Scott assigns his X-Men (Mirage, Domino, Mindee Cuckoo, and Psylocke) different tasks, as well as having them observe the Emma's team, who is called out to deal with the bio-sentinels attacking San Francisco. Emma discovers that whatever Trask has infected his people with has killed them and they are no longer human. Dani Moonstar goes to Vegas in the hope of approaching someone with a deal. Osborn then sends Emma's team to St. Francis hospital to deal with Simon Trask. Illyana meets up with X-Force to retrieve the imprisoned mutants while Psylocke and the X-Club are just off the pacific coast to reactivate a ship.
Solicit Synopsis
- The phrase "lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate" seen on the door Mirage enters in Las Vegas is perhaps the most famous quote from Dante Alighieri's Divina Commedia, and is translated as "abandon all hope, ye who enter." It's the warning Dante sees written on Hell's door, and it is meant to warn whomever enters that there's no hope to ever cross the threshold again to leave the place (to reach God or Purgatory) of eternal perdition beyond.
See Also
Links and References