Marvel Database

SPIDEEEY! SPIDEEEY! 14 August 2023


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Spider-Man was swinging around NYC reminiscing his origin story. "Ever since I was bitten by that radioactive man, things have never been the same. I used to be such a happy little spider, but that life is behind me now. Since my Aunt Ben died there has been nothing in my life but sorrow. Oh, how I cry!"

Suddenly, he saw Rhino rampaging. He landed behind him and said, "Hey Rhino, how you doing?" Rhino said, "I am Rhino! I kill Spider! Rhinos are Spider enemies!"

Spider-Man was shocked. He said, "why the hostility, man?" He broke down and started crying. "There's been a lot going on in my life right now. Why did you have to aggravate this pain? Oh why, why, why!"

Rhino said, "Well fuck you! I vividly remember how you…

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SPIDEEEY! SPIDEEEY! 14 January 2022

MCU Spider-Man has improved

By this point, I think everyone has watched NWH, but if you haven't then SPOILER ALERT.

It looks like the people behind the previous two MCU Spidey movies listened to fans and finally gave us what we wanted. I made a blog post some time ago about my grievances with MCU Spider-Man. In there, I said MCU Spider-Man was not Spider-Man, he was Iron Boy. Well, NWH fixed that, and Peter is finally the Spider-Man we all know and love. The fact that no one knows Peter Parker anymore paves the way for a new start. His new suit symbolises his growth into Spider-Man. It looks almost exactly like the Ditko suit and gets rid of those weird black bars. No Way Home's ending was the only one out of all the MCU Spider-Man movies which made me excited for wha…

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SPIDEEEY! SPIDEEEY! 1 November 2021

Why does MCU Spidey suck?

MCU Spidey sucks. He has no sense of responsibility. He is literally just an Iron Boy Jr. He can't even make his own suit. Everything he uses is made by Tony Stark. The only thing he made were webshooters, but even Stark was able to replicate them as well as enhance them, so it's not even that big of a deal. I was willing to get behind that, but Far From Home was so damn boring that I got nothing to say about that freaking movie except for that it's the only Spider-Man movie I hate. Also, MCU Aunt May is weird. She is apparently A-okay with her teenage nephew going out every night to get beaten up by thugs. Tony Stark is almost like Spider-Man's adoptive father. Peter always needs a mentor. Tony Stark, Nick Fury and in the future, Doctor S…

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