Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Varicus was the king and emperor of Zarfhaana. Varicus refused any criticism, even in jests.[1]

When King Kull of Valusia was chasing the Farsunian adventurer Felnar and Countess Lala-ah of Fanara, accompanied by Brule the spear-slayer and 300 Red Slayers, he was allowed to cross Zarfhaana by the emperor, but was forbidden from entering the walled cities with his troop, such as in Talunia.[2] It remains unconfirmed whether or not Varicus was king and emperor of Zarfhaana at that point.

When Ragmar, court poet of Zarfhaana, issued his latest satire, Varicus sentenced him to death on charges of slander and sedition. Ragmar fled to Valusia with Zarfhaanan emissaries on his heels. Despite their warnings, Kull offered Ragmar asylum, leading Ragmar to declare war.

He allied with Ofira, a Valusian witch-woman spurned by Kull, who offered her witchcraft, as well as the help of Emandax, a Red Slayer who had rallied others in hatred of Kull. Ofira turned his entire army into powerful elk-men. When Ofira's spell was eventually broken, Varicus fled as his troops were starting to lose. He was pursed by Kull, defeated and taken captive, while his army was routed.

As a treaty was signed with Zarfhaana and Varicus was deposed, Kull ordered his release, despite warnings he would soon seek revenge.[1]

See Also

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Kull the Conqueror (Vol. 2) #1
  2. Marvel Preview #19 ; Riders Beyond the Sunrise