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Marvel Database


The symbiote that would be known as Venom was created by Scream, Scorn, and Mania from the remains of their sister All-Black; becoming their greatest warrior and being sent to conquer other planets. Eventually NASA retrieved the symbiote during one of their space missions and brought it to Earth.[3]

Three years before Peter Parker became Spider-Man, NASA donated the substance they discovered to Horizon High for further study, and Max Modell named it V-252.[2]

Peter Parker (Earth-17628) from Marvel's Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 6 001

Spidey in his black costume

When the students of Horizon High decided to use the substance as their science project for Stark Expo, Peter accidentally bonded with it and it formed a new black and white costume that could provide a seemingly inexhaustible and stronger supply of webbing.[4] However, after realizing it was altering his thoughts and making him more aggressive, he decided to take it off. At first, it seemed like they were attached to each other, but, eventually, Peter was able to take it off.[2]

The V-252 was returned to Horizon High under Peter's warning of its sentience, but Max ignored him and still tried to use it as a project for Stark Expo. It was not until Spider-Man bonded with the symbiote again in front of Max, that he realized its potential danger. To closely study the substance, Tony Stark took it to the Avengers' lab.[5]

Peter Parker (Earth-17628) from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (animated series) Season 3 3 001

Spider-Man donned the symbiote again while helping the Guardians of the Galaxy stop Thanos, who was empowered by the Carnage symbiote.[6][7]

While conducting experiments on the Venom symbiote, Max Modell created an artificial symbiote. Venom was accidentally freed by Dr. Curt Connors, absorbed its artificial duplicate to replenish itself, and retrieved a Seed - a homing beacon for others of its kind - from the meteor that had brought it to Earth. Spider-Man seemingly managed to kill the Venom symbiote with a surge of electricity, but not before it was able to activate the Seed, triggering a symbiote invasion.[8] Venom survived by bonding to Max Modell, eventually building a portal to Klyntar in order to bring the Symbiote Sisters to Earth. Once the portal was complete, Venom revealed itself and engaged Spider-Man and his friends in combat. Opening the portal, it released the Symbiote Sisters - who engaged Spider-Man and his friends in combat. Venom was sent to awaken the Word-Killer - a symbiote-dragon created from All-Black's remains - and bring it to Earth, pursued by Spider-Man. While Venom succeeded in awakening the World-Eater and feeding it the Seed to empower it, Max Modell was able to overcome it with help from Spider-Man and destroyed the Seed, killing Venom, the World-Killer, and the Symbiote Sisters.[1]



Venom is vulnerable to electricity, although it used to be weak to sonic vibrations before the experimentation it was subjected to led to it developing a resistance to them.[9]



  • It's name as V-252 is a nod to the "V" in Venom and 252 is the issue number when the black suit made its debut in Amazing Spider-Man #252.

See Also

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