Personal History
He was the brother of creator Al Fago.
Professional History
Vincent Fago acted as the Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics from 1942-1945 whilst Stan Lee was active in the military.
Work History
- 188 work(s) that were produced while "Vincent Fago" was Editor-in-Chief
- 8 work(s) that "Vincent Fago" edited
- 1 subject(s) created by "Vince Fago"
- 10 work(s) that were produced while "Vince Fago" was Editor-in-Chief
- 17 work(s) that "Vince Fago" edited
- 3 work(s) that "Vince Fago" penciled
- 1 work(s) that "Vince Fago" inked