Marvel Database

Quote1 And this, children, is your uncle Victor. He has earned a prestigious internship on Capitol Hill. He will be staying with us for the semester. Quote2

Appearing in "Victorious"

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Synopsis for "Victorious"

On a winter day, the Visions go about their day. While reciting the same The Merchant of Venice passage, Vin throws a ball for the dog - named Sparky - to fetch. Sparky flies out the window to do so, appearing above Vision, who is “shoveling” (lasering) snow out of the sidewalk, then waves to a passing Nora. The ball, and Sparky with it, land in front of a visitor, Victor Mancha. As he also throws the ball for Sparky to catch, Victor greets Vision with a hug.

Vision introduces Victor, who is staying with the family for an internship he has at the Capitol, to his family. They then go out for dinner together, during which Victor says he envies Vision’s new life and family.

Several days later, Victor sees Virginia playing the piano, which she is struggling to learn despite having downloaded the notes in her head. Victor cheers her up by showing that he is no better. Virginia then tries to explain that she feels no emotion playing the notes, and begins stuttering again. Victor hugs her in consolation.

On another day, Victor and Vin play basketball together. Victor advises Vin not to keep reciting Shakespeare in the middle of the night. He compares it to his own obsession with Don Quixote, and tells him that while it’s good, he should expand his interests, including to become a superhero.

On yet another day, Victor visits Chris Kinzky’s grave with Viv. She phases down into the ground to see Chris’s body before coming up, admitting to herself that she should not have seen that. Victor says he tried to warn her, and she leans on his shoulder in sadness.

Finally, Victor and Vision attend an art gallery exhibition together. While they stare at a painting of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, Victor thanks Vision for allowing him to stay with the family. After a pause, however, he then goes on about how it must be a lot of pressure keeping the family together, and that it might get to him. He then stops himself before going further, while Vision finally replies by asking if Victor ever wonders what everything truly means.

Late one fateful night, Vin is playing fetch again with Sparky out in the snow despite it being dinner time. The ball phases through the home, and both Sparky and Vin go after that. When they do, however, they find Victor in a holographic conversation with Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America. Vin discovers that Victor is actually at the Visions’ in order to get a confession from Vision about the deaths of Grim Reaper and Chris Kinzky, both following Agatha’s warning. Vin is shocked at this, and Victor sees his presence. Victor tries to talk to Vin, but he panicks and tries to leave. Victor quickly loses his temper, and his powers flare up.

Solicit Synopsis


• The most critically acclaimed series of the year continues.

• The Avengers know. They know his wife killed the Reaper and the boy. They know Vision lied to protect her. They know that those lies will lead to more lies, those deaths will lead to more deaths.

• And they know they need to act, they need to find a way to prove that he has done what he has done so the Avengers can do what they have to do--finally and forever dismantle the Vision and his family.


  • The final page of this issue features a list with the fan name suggestions for Sparky's name that didn't make the cut:
    • Viking
    • Six (spelled with roman numerals: VI)
    • Vz
    • Wi-fido
    • Vincent
    • Vector
    • Victor Von Dog
    • Portia (because of the merchant of Venice)
    • Roog
    • Toaster
    • Vomit (2x...)
    • Cubit
    • Vex (7x)
    • Vivisection
    • Voz (2x)
    • Vladimir
    • Gearbone
    • Vig (2x)
    • Vicious Vesuvius
    • Switch (play on Scarlet Witch)
    • Optic
    • Virgil (2x)
    • Vox
    • Rover
    • Dog (2x)
    • Kitty
    • Chris
    • V (2x)
    • Vix (3x)
    • Megabyte
    • Terrabyte
    • Viceroy
    • Vittles
    • Vita (2x)
    • Sterling
    • Volt (2x)
    • Chip
    • Kismet
    • Vultron
    • Velvet
    • Vigor
    • Voof
    • Vero
    • Verity
    • Vaniah
    • K-9
    • Viridian
    • Vidor
    • Googles
    • Vince
    • Valerie
    • Vowser
    • Rex
    • Virby
    • Vinski
    • Lettuce
    • Walter
    • Vido (2x)
    • Victory
    • Sight
    • Frank
    • Vicar
    • Nano
    • Socket
    • Scooch
    • Vivi
    • Varge
    • Vale
    • Woof
    • Vernon
    • Vigil
    • Barkus
    • Aarkus
    • Video (2x)
    • Argos
    • Sprocket (2x)
    • Vigilante
    • Isidore
    • Deckard
    • Eldon
    • Rachel
    • Roy
    • Sonny
    • Chapel
    • Duke
    • Cassie
    • Eco
    • Viz
    • Colorblind
    • Fetch
    • Ultron
    • Voltaire
    • Victor
    • Vito
    • Aarfus
    • Vitus
    • Grimmy
    • Rip
    • Vendetta

See Also

Links and References

