Marvel Database


After breaking up with her husband Deadpool, Shiklah hid from him the existence of their daughter Warda. Sometime later, she led the demonic forces in an attempt to take over the surface world, but Wade defeated her with the help of the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and the Fantastic Fifty-Four. During the fighting Wade borrowed some Pym Particles from Scott Lang and after trapping Shiklah in her stasis sarcophagus, he used the Particles to shrink it down and hide Shiklah in the safest place possible - inside his own heart.[1]

Wade Wilson (Earth-16356) from Deadpool Vol 6 6 001

Wade imprisoned by his daughter

Over the years, Deadpool's memory deteriorated and he honestly forgot about Shiklah's fate.[1] His daughter Warda surprised him by revealing herself when she attacked him and Emily Preston, demanding to know where her mother was. After receiving no answer, Warda kidnapped Wade and put him in shackles, torturing her father by forcing him to endlessly watch C-SPAN on repeat. Wade claimed to have no memory of where Shiklah was, and Warda took his identity for herself, becoming Deadpool with a legion of Bobs as her underlings.[2]

In 2099 A.D. Wade's other daughter Ellie Preston resurfaced and after stealing the holodrive with her mother from Wade's old storeroom, broke her father out of his decades-long imprisonment.[3] After Wade reunited with Prestone and Ellie, Warda threatened to unleash one of her mother's monsters at Madison Star Garden. Unwilling to once again risk Shiklah escaping, Wade decided to enlist the help of the Iron Fists instead.[4]

Wade Wilson (Earth-16356) from Despicable Deadpool Vol 1 300 001

The new costume Wade used after being freed

When her demands were not met, Warda attacked Ellie and burned her alive with liquid napalm while forcing Wade to watch. Warda then took her father to Monster Metropolis, where she demanded to finish Wade as well, seeing how he would never give up her mother. However, Wade revealed that Ellie was a mutant with the power of regeneration and for the first time disclosed to Warda the reasons as to why her mother had to remained sealed away. To quell Warda's violent impulses, Wade then uploaded Emily Preston's digital consciousness into Warda's mind in order to keep her in check.[1] After a brief shock, Warda took this surprisingly well and was later seen fully reconciled with her new family.[5]



Seemingly those of the Wade Wilson of Earth-616.

See Also

Links and References

