Marvel Database
The designation "Earth-TRN580" used in this article is an unofficial Temporary Reality Number assigned by our wiki exclusively for internal archival purposes until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).

Quote1 The anti-hero for hire... the mask for your task... the guy who won't die... Deadpool! Quote2


After his battle with Spider-Man and the X-Men, Deadpool seemed to go crazy and believed that he was in a video game. He managed to have his game show, Pain Factor, green-lit.

After obtaining a fragment of the Tablet of Order and Chaos, he used it as incentive to convince Spider-Man to appear on his show. After Spider-Man survived Pain Factor, Deadpool used the fragment to split himself into three Deadpools. Spider-Man waited for the Deadpools to get overconfident with his attacks and used this to defeat him.

Maxwell Dillon (Earth-TRN580) and Wadey Wilson (Earth-TRN580) from Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions 001
Afterwards, Deadpool would be taken into custody by S.H.IE.L.D.. He was locked in a cell alongside Electro within the Triskelion and was present for Carnage’s rampage through the complex.[1]



  • Regenerative Healing: Deadpool's signature ability is his ultra powerful healing factor, which has rendered him impervious to age and illness as well as almost impossible to defeat or kill.
  • Enhanced Abilities: Deadpool possesses inhuman levels of strength, speed, stamina, agility, senses, reflexes and durability.
  • Medium Awareness: Deadpool realized he was in a video game and knew Spider-Man was being controlled by a player. He often broke the fourth wall.


  • Master Combatant: Deadpool is a master of almost all forms of combat and marksmanship, being able to overpower Spiderman in combat, although the Venom-Enhanced Spiderman defeated him.
  • Showmanship: Deadpool is a capable television host, amassing vast resources and lots of fans.


See Also

Links and References

