Marvel Database




Recruiting Doctor Strange[]

Before the War was to begin, the deities sought to recruit mystic warriors. Doctor Strange was approached by many powers at once. They each insisted that he was obligated to serve them as they have previously assisted him on may occasions.[1][2] Learning that the conflict would last five thousand years, Strange declined participation on the grounds that Earth could not afford to be without its Sorcerer Supreme for so long. It was then that the gods became angered and argued over the right to draft Dr. Strange.[1]

In an effort to remove himself from the center of debate, Strange invoked the Emancipation Law, enabling him to renounce the powers' claims, but making him unable to call upon any of the powers and principalities. In effect, Strange surrendered the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme.[2] The War of the Seven Spheres began, at this point, without Strange's involvement.[3][4]


As the powers and principalities prepared for the War of the Seven Spheres, Dormammu attacked his sister, Umar, to reclaim his place as ruler of the Dark Dimension.[2] This conflict was later said to be "mystical fallout" of the War of the Seven Spheres.[5]

War of the Seven Spheres[]

The war was a predestined cyclical conflict among powers and mystic principalities of the mystic planes. In this war, many of the ancient treaties and arrangements between the deities are annulled. As a result, the laws of magic are subject to revision and at times can be circumvented.[1]

The conflict involved many powers and mystic Principalities, including the eight members of the Octessence (Balthakk, Cyttorak, Farralah, Ikonn, Krakkan, Raggadorr, Valtorr, and Watoomb),[6] the Vishanti (Agamotto, Oshtur, and Hoggoth), the Seraphim, the Faltine, Raggadorr, Munipoor, Satannish, Denak, Shaeol,[2] Fatalis, Slorioth, and the Trinity of Ashes (Griefsavor,[7] Ygmlosvorraich; Mother-of-Pain).[citation needed]

The war is an inevitable occurrence in which roles of opposing forces are assigned. For example, the enemies of the Vishanti were primarily the Trinity of Ashes,[2] though they were also opposite to Slorioth.[8] Other parties had their own adversaries, such as the Seraphim who considered themselves enemy of Shaeol.[2]

Wyn, the avatar of The-Powers-That-Be, was present during part of the war, but it is unclear if they participated in any form of conflict.[9]

Impacting Earth[]

Shortly after the beginning of the War, Strange attempted to regain his old magics, but found that even Eternity could not help him use Vishanti magic without the price of joining the War.[3] Strange thus turned to other sources of magic until he joined the fight.

Returning to Earth after the Infinity Crusade, Strange noticed a wave of destructive universal imbalance hitting the planet as a consequence of the War of the Seven Spheres. He found that the Vishanti had taken Urthona as their champion in his stead, and that Urthona's killing of the Trinity of Ashes' warrior was the cause of the imbalance. Strange thus exiled Urthona and resurrected the Trinity's entity.[10][11]

Doctor Druid acted as the avatar of Slorioth in an attempt to take the Earth while all other powers were preoccupied with the war. The Vishanti were alerted to Slorioth's actions and summoned the Living Tribunal to arbitrate the issue between higher entities. Pryce issued that Slorioth's rise was an artificial attempt to accelerate the scheduled of the War of the Seven Spheres.[8][12]

In the end, Slorioth was removed from earth "for the nonce" and Agamotto declared his avatar Cadaver would fight in the War of the Seven Spheres for "four or five thousand years", as Doctor Strange had refused to do.[8]


During the conflict, Salomé once again became Earth's Sorcerer Supreme and negotiated a deal with the Vishanti.[citation needed]

General Strange's war[]

Eventually, Strange did fight in the war for The Vishanti.[13] Over the 5,000 years that he fought the war, constantly losing those closest to him, he began to lose his ethics and prioritize winning over everything, as winning was the only thing which would make the deaths of the people he fought alongside matter.[9]


On the 5,000th year of the war, the Trinity of Ashes sued for peace on the condition that Stephen Strange be imprisoned for all eternity, as they feared he had become legitimately powerful enough to actually defeat them. As the Vishanti had already promised Strange that they would return him to his world at the time he had left it, the Vishanti separated the part of him that had been changed by the war from the remainder of him.[9]


The Vishanti returned Strange to Earth only four months after he left,[13] and gave him the the part of him that had fought in the war sealed within a crystal. He was warned that the imprisoning spell would be broken if he ever died.[9]

He struggled with reintegration, and used an office made of living skin and hands as a comforting reminder of his past 5,000 years.[14]

See Also

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