Marvel Database

Quote1 Hey, friends! I brought a giant indestructible robot suit to help save the day. Quote2

Appearing in "Tangled States - Part Four: Monarchy"

Featured Characters:

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  • Arachno-Fighter
  • Octo-Copter (Destruction)

Synopsis for "Tangled States - Part Four: Monarchy"

Octavia is sent from world to world by Karn due to problems with the web. On Earth-138 May and Anya decide to use Peter's megamorph, for to reach Earth-803, while Harry discovers that it was the Web-Warriors jumping from one dimension to another that gave the web problems. May, Anya and Hobie reach Earth-803 but the leader of the Electroverse takes possession of the megamorph.

Solicit Synopsis

• What do a giant spider-robot, a cartoon pig from the future and a lady with four robotic arms have in common?

• They’re all stuck on Earth-001 with the WEB-WARRIORS!

• But what’s been happening while they’ve been gone?! WHAT CHAOS HAS SPREAD ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE?

• BONUS: Keep your eyes peeled, and you might just spot a clue to the events that are about to unfold in “DEAD NO MORE”!


May and Hobie's comments on the megamorph are references to the toy line of the same name.

See Also

Links and References

