Marvel Database

Quote1 If you go to the Fang Mountains, Morgan Le Fay will wage war. The course of Weirdworld will change. Quote2
Eta the Watcher of Weirdworld

Appearing in "In the Forge of the Grand Mechanic"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

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  • Emerald Fuel Injectors (First appearance)
  • Wuxian Seed
  • Giant Ghost Robot (First appearance)


Synopsis for "In the Forge of the Grand Mechanic"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• Becca the Earthgirl! Goleta the Wizardslayer! Catbeast! A fellowship of adventurers who might kill each other.

• Goleta’s badass muscle car needs an enchanted gizmo, and the only person who has one isn’t feeling generous.

• Morgan Le Fay makes a move against Becca-- and triggers a war on Weirdworld!


  • On the cover of the comic issue, some of the identified names on Goleta's list are The Alchemist, Skele (whose name is crossed off), Garg (whose name is crossed off), Wicky, Wizay, David Blaine, Woods the Wiz, Morgana le Fay, The Wiz (whose name is crossed off), Allan the Chemot, Ovici Khalifa, Gandalf, Dumble (whose name is crossed off), Grandwiz, Ogeode, The Cat Wiz, Merlin, Purple Wizard, Cyan Wiz, Magenta Wiz, Yellow Wiz, Mind Freak, K Wiz, and Gee Wiz.

See Also

Links and References

