Marvel Database


They began chasing Ashley J. Williams when he came into their reality from The Marvel Zombies Reality.[1] Ash would somehow escape them and return to the destroyed present of his home reality.


  • The scene depicting Earth-7085 is a reference to the double-page spread in Ultimate Fantastic Four #32 which takes place after the Marvel Zombies' devouring of Galactus in Marvel Zombies #5.
    • In the original scene from Ultimate Fantastic Four #32, Doctor Doom is shown appearing through a portal. In the scene from Marvel Zombies vs Army of Darkness #5, no counterpart to Ultimate Doom arrived (Ash arrived in a different area). This could either mean a counterpart to Ultimate Doom arrived later, or events for the Fantastic Four of the Werewolf reality (and whatever Earth they tried to invade) went differently with the Werewolf Fantastic Four possibly succeeding in their plans thanks to having regenerative powers and no decaying flesh like their Earth-2149 counterparts for Doom to exploit on.
    • Curiously in this universe, Captain America (or possibly this world's version of Colonel America) and Black Widow are seen alive while Iron Man isn't. It could be assumed that since these are werewolves instead of zombies, events went much differently in the Werewolf Reality than they did in the Marvel Zombies Reality. A zombie Iron Man, being undead, would survive being blasted in half by the Silver Surfer,[2] while a werewolf Iron Man likely would not.
    • Captain/Colonel America, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, and Wolverine show no signs of similar injuries that their Earth-2149 counterparts received. Since werewolves have regenerative healing ability and enhanced agility while zombies don't, it's assumed that the injuries the Marvel Werewolves received were minimal or easy to recover from due to their healing powers.
    • Captain America being a werewolf could also be an intentional reference to the seminal CapWolf.

See Also

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