Appearing in "One of the Boys! or Discharm School"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Deathlox
- Noman
- Katy Powder
- Night Splasher (Mentioned)
- Scaredevil (Mentioned)
- Arachne-Knight (Mentioned)
- Prince No-More (Cameo) (cameo in the bar)
- Lookalikes of Popeye and Fred Flintstone
- Seedy Waterfront Bar (Yay, it's back!)
Synopsis for "One of the Boys! or Discharm School"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "What If... Peter Parker Had Not Been Bitten By a Radioactive Spider and Become Spider-Man?"
Featured Characters:
- The Voyeur
Supporting Characters:
- Peter Parker (Alternate reality)
- Aunt Ben Parker (Alternate reality)
- Aunt May Parker (Alternate reality)
- Jennifer Walters (Alternate reality; Mention)
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "What If... Peter Parker Had Not Been Bitten By a Radioactive Spider and Become Spider-Man?"
In this story, the Voyeur shows us the less-than-interesting reality where Peter Parker never gained powers and kept on with his daily routine.
Appearing in "The Malted Falcon"
Featured Characters:
- Chaplain America aka Chap, Dot Verdammt Amerikanner; America, C.; Sid.
Supporting Characters:
- Bunky
- Smilin' Sulatu
- Oscillatin' Oago
- guy who is not the Fat Man
- a fatally-wounded Norwegian ship captain
- Scarlett Wench (but not Wanda)
- The Fat Man
- "Wolverine and Punisher" (Woolvie and Pulverizer) as the Fat Man's minions
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "The Malted Falcon"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "What's the Really Awful, Some Even Worse Than Others... List of Visual Puns How Many Can You Figure Out?"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "What's the Really Awful, Some Even Worse Than Others... List of Visual Puns How Many Can You Figure Out?"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Deranged Tales"
Featured Characters:
- Dr. Furey
- Nick Deranged, agent of M.Y.S.T.I.C.
Synopsis for "Deranged Tales"
In this pin-up, Dr. Deranged and Knick Furey swap occupations, with the later became an agent of a secret organization and the former is a mystic doctor. This must be an alternative universe of some sort
Appearing in "When Worlds Clyde!"
Featured Characters:
- Colonel Knick Furey, agent of SHEELD
- T.A.R.G.E.T. (Threat Analysis Research Group & Executive Toadies)
- "Dum Dum" Dugan
- Val Fontaine
- Agent Quarterbrain
Supporting Characters:
- mention: M.A.I.M. (Mostly Asian Import Merchandise (?!))
- Scorpi-yoyo
- HYDRAH's version of Dum Dum
- HYDRAH's version of Furey
Other Characters:
- New York City
- SHEELD-Earth
- HYDRAH-Earth
- the Heck-Carrier
Synopsis for "When Worlds Clyde!"
In this alternative story, Knick Furey has a dream in which he finds his alter ego from an alternate reality -who works for the opposite organization. This must be an alternative universe of some sort because it's surreal even for What The--?!
Appearing in "In Search of Cleanex!"
Featured Characters:
- Doctor Deranged (aka John), dooer of hoo-doo, sorcerer supremo and master of the Mysticklish arts
- The Lovely Cleanex
Supporting Characters:
- Baron Mordodo
- The Living Nighty-Nightmare
- Freddy Krueger (Mentioned)
- The Dreaded Doormammoomoo
- (Really) Mindless Ones
Other Characters:
- "The Spirit" and "Mickey Mouse" lookalikes
- The faithbul Bong (Wong)
- Inner Sanctum Sanitarium
- Mordodo's Castle (in the Tibet)
- The Dimension of the Great Unshowered Ones, realm of the Living Nighty-Nightmare
- Several other dimensions
- The dimly-lit-dimension-that-didn't-pay-its-light-bill
- No-Bikini Atoll (Mentioned), Tahiti (Mentioned)
- The All-Seeing Eye of Mister Moto (Mentioned)
- The Terrible Ticking of Timex (Mentioned)
- the Baneful Bonging of Big Ben's Bell (Mentioned)
- The Flashlight of Mister Moto
- The Hovering Hoops of Hula (Mentioned)
- The Hot Sell and the Cold Spell
- The Hairy Half-Moons of Houdini (Mentioned)
- The Crimson Band of Cincinnati
Synopsis for "In Search of Cleanex!"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
- Flip book.