Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Mark of the Whip!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bullet


  • Cabe Norris

Other Characters:

  • Sheriff
  • Joby Michaels

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "The Mark of the Whip!"

Whip gets help from a young kid to round up the killer, Cabe Norris.

Appearing in "Duel in the Desert!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bullet


  • The Hawk

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "Duel in the Desert!"

Whip is on the track of The Hawk, who has killed a prospector for two sacks of precious gold.

Appearing in "Last Ride"

Featured Characters:

  • Sheriff Bill Hooker

Supporting Characters:

  • Red


  • Collins Gang

Other Characters:

  • Andy Barlow

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "Last Ride"

The Sheriff is taking four of the Collins gang to trial at the county seat by stage, but is expecting trouble on the way.

Appearing in "Seal of Doom!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Fred Krause

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "Seal of Doom!"

Speed Larson is visited by his niece Mary Larson after the pair goes riding Mary leaves to ride into town. Speed is suddenly visited by Fred Krause a criminal he helped put into prison years ago. Krause has just recently gotten out of jail and asks to speak to Larson one-on-one. Larson muses about how nobody has found the fifty thousand dollars that Krause stole from the bank all those years ago. Krause asks Speed, a man of his honour, to hold a sealed envelope and promise not to open it until after he's dead, Speed agrees and takes the letter into his possession.

Soon after Fred leaves two men come by and demand that Speed hand over the envelope. When Speed refuses to do so they tell him that Fred Krause has kidnapped his niece and demands it back. When he refuses further, they try to gun him down but the fighting sheriff is too much of a match for them and he easily bests them in a fight. He then learns that they are both ranch hands at Charlie Taylor's ranch and that they work with Fred Krause. With the two attackers locked up, Speed feels justified to open the envelope to see what is inside and is shocked by what he reads there.

He rushes to Charlie Taylor's ranch and sneaks inside where he finds Fred Krause has been shot dead. He is then ambushed by Charlie Taylor and his men, but Speed Larson is faster at the draw and easily bests them and they surrender. Tying them up, Speed learns that Charlie was entrusted with the stolen money when Fred was sent to jail and spent it all. When Fred returned to collect it, Stephen plotted to kill him and when he learned that Fred had tipped Speed off to his impending murder with an envelope he kidnapped Speed's niece and sent me to collect it. With Charlie and his gang tied up, Speed frees Mary who is happy to see him.

Appearing in "A Beast Roams the Range!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bullet


  • Doc Morrow

Other Characters:

Races and Species:

Synopsis for "A Beast Roams the Range!"

  • Synopsis not yet written


  • Final issue of the series, title renamed Gunhawk Vol 1 and resumes with the same numbering.
  • During this period, Atlas Comics was trying to make their earlier Timely Era western heroes sound more interesting by re-branding their names. As such Blaze Carson was renamed Speed Larson in this story.
  • This issue features the final appearance of Blaze Carson to date.

See Also

Links and References

