Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Will was among the people who were initially unaware of their Inhuman ancestry until he was affected by the Terrigen Mist, resulting in him sprouting bird wings and becoming close with native birds. This only seemed to be a minor inconvenience for him, but did make him feel like an outcast. He accepted Moon Girl's offer to join her brand new support group S.A.D.S.A.K., which while happy to be a part of, was quick to point out the irony of the name. Will later had his first taste of action when the team encountered some overly aggressive roller skaters at the Boogie Down Roller Rink and showed that he was capable of taking care of himself, though he and the S.A.D.S.A.K.s were forced to flee when more showed up.[1]

Will found it hard to believe that fellow member Olivia was actually a Kree trying to take over Earth, but decided to help Lunella, admitting that he enjoys being with the rest of the group. He went to Lunella's Lab and spoke with Devil Dinosaur after he ingested Sparkle Straight. Upon coming out to the surface, Devil suddenly became violent due to the Sparkle Straight, causing Dino Control to show up to sedate him.[2] Will joined in rescuing Devil and then later helped rescue Moon Girl from Olivia, though this resulted in fellow member Tasha Thomas to get captured and converted into a member of the Oliv-Army.[3]

When Moon Girl needed to acquire Prismatic Cobalt, Will deduced that the Starky Snack Robot that patrols his neighborhood would have one. The group have a brief run in with Will's grandfather who suffers from Alzheimer's. Will admits to Moon Girl and Devinder that he is afraid that his father will wander off and get lost. To combat this, Moon Girl created a pair of baseball caps that can keep track of Will's grandfather and "[keep] off bird poops". Will helps rescue Tasha and joins the rest of the S.A.D.S.A.K.s in taking down the main Sparkle Straight Factory.[4]

Will joins the rest of the team in asking Nneka Chekwu of Wakanda Couture in help in crashing the Gala to stop Olivia. This results in the whole team getting fancy outfits with Will dressed in nice feather themed clothing. With Moon Girl's plan in place, the team defeat Olivia by destroying her bonnet and rescuing everyone affected by her mind controlled hair conditioner.[5]



  • Avian Physiology: Will possesses feathers and wings that allow him to fly, though not efficiently. It is further implied that this allows birds to be attracted to him as he is usually seen being surrounded by, or having his hair used as a nest by, birds.
  • Avian Linguistics: Will can communicate with birds. This also extends to dinosaurs as they are a distant cousin.

See Also

Links and References

