Marvel Database
Marvel Database

The Winter Palace (Russian: Зимний дворец) was a palace in Saint Petersburg that served as the official residence of the House of Romanov, previous emperors, from 1732 to 1917. The palace and its precincts now house the Hermitage Museum.


Alternate Reality Versions[]

Conquest Timeline (Earth-TRN669)[]

Conquest and Cable finally met while he establish relationship with Rasputin and gained access to a fragment of the Time Sword. Aware that Cable would be coming after him, Conquest planned ahead of time and set a trap for Nate, trapping him with metallic tentacles. Conquest took this opportunity to speak about his past and ambitions to Cable. Goaded by the time-traveling X-Man several times, Conquest refused to be baited into a fight, saying he had taken control of all his reality not by charging into battle but by carefully laying plans; however, Cable broke free of his restraints and easily overpowered the Russians and fought against Conquest in physical confrontation, before telling him was going to the next piece of the Time Sword and he teleported away.[1]

See Also

Links and References

